Call for Articles

Each issue of the journal represents a different theme. You may send us an article if you are interested in one of the journal’s themes or if a theme is in your field of expertise.

We invite you to consult the Editorial Chart and Instructions to Authors on the Érudit platform before submitting your article. This link will provide further information on the editing rules of the Aequitas journal and some tips on how to write a scientific article.

Call for Articles


Submit a letter of intent

First of all, if you would like to submit an article to the Human Development, Disability and Social Change journal, we ask that you send us a letter of intent containing the following information:

  • Tentative title of the article
  • The name(s) of the authors and their contact information
  • The issue for which you want to submit an article
  • The methods used
  • A summary of the proposed article and keywords

Please send the informations to: [email protected]

Assessment Process

All articles submitted for publication in the journal are first sent to the journal’s editor-in-chief. He or she will then ensures that the article proposed corresponds to the letter of intent previously sent, and that it fits with the topic of the issue requested and the journal’s orientation. If the article is rejected at this point in the assessment process, the author(s) will not be able to have the decision reviewed by the editor-in-chief.

If a proposed article is accepted, it will go on to the second stage in the assessment process: peer evaluation. Two evaluators will be asked to read and comment on the text using a double-blind method. They will also be asked to ensure the article respects the provisions in the Author’s Guidelines

Once the evaluations have been sent to the editor-in-chief, a summary of the comments is prepared to be given to the article’s author(s). Certain changes to the text may be recommended or required to be done within a one-month period before the article will be accepted for publication. When a new version of the article is required, a second peer evaluation process will be undertaken.

The editor-in-chief may decide to accept or reject an article at any time and recommend that style or content-related changes be made to it.

Submit an off-topic article

If you want to submit an article that does not fall under the theme of the Human Development, Disability and Social Change journal, it is possible to do it at any time. You just have to submit your article at: [email protected]

Once your proposal has been received, the editor-in-chief will look at it. Subsequently, you will get a response that will tell you if your article is accepted, refused or if there are changes to make to it.