To complete this training, you must have previously completed the HDM-DCP training.
Training on the Individualized Intervention Plan (IIP) enables participants to better understand the major steps in carrying out an individualized intervention plan and its usefulness. It also aims to explain how to set objectives to reach in terms of life habits and manage the interventions required to meet the needs related to the person’s personal factors or environmental factors. The training also starts participants thinking about the concept of a person’s life plans and issues of planning, organizing and coordinating services to accomplish common activities and the related social roles.
This training is provided by one of the certified trainers from the International Network on the Disability Production Process. It lasts 6 hours or it can be offered in customized form.
Participants in this training are made aware of the principles underlying carrying out an IIP and become familiar with its major steps. They understand the usefulness of setting objectives for common activities and social roles, and for identifying personal factors and environmental factors that may have an impact on their accomplishment
Participants in this training come from a variety of fields including education, labour, health and social services, public administration and disability rights organizations. These participants are the most involved in:
To see when the next trainings will take place or to register to the Individualized Intervention Plans training, please click here.
Contact us at [email protected] or by phone at 418-529-9141 ext. 46202.